Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Who am I?

My name is Charles Beaudoin. First of all, I must say something very special about myself: I have a twin. Maybe you’ve already seen him in the school? His name is William Beaudoin and he is in the other language group. I also have an older brother and two sisters: Antoine, Coralie and Rosalie. My youngest sister is Rosalie and she goes at the Juvénat Notre-Dame like me. Coralie and Antoine are both at the college and they are in the same program. My mother’s name is Marie-Josée Bisson and she works at Desjardins. The name of my father is Simon Beaudoin and he’s an accountant.

Now, let’s talk about my liking. I like to travel with my family because I’m always living great moments with her. This summer, I went to Gaspésie for one week and I really enjoyed the trip. The sceneries were wonderful and the sea was always hot. If I have the choice to go back, I will surely say yes! My favourite sport is the badminton but I also like soccer and trampoline. Moreover, I enjoy playing video games with my friends. I like to read fantastic books like Lord of the ring. At school, sciences and physical education are my favourite classes. I don’t like mathematics and Spanish because I have some difficulties in those subjects. One thing that I dislike is to talk about myself because I don’t think the person who read this text is learning something interesting about me and also because I do that every year. On the other hand, I like to talk about my friends. Their names are: Jonathan, Shannon, Daniel, Xavier, Philippe, Thierry, Michael and Louis. They are all funny and I always laugh when I’m with them because they are doing jokes every time. Shannon and Jonathan are two persons I can put my trust in. When I need help, they listen to me and they give me advices to make me feel better. Daniel, Xavier, Louis and Philippe are the comic guys of the gang. They can’t be serious for one minute! Well, that’s why I enjoy being with them

I think that’s all about my person. I hope you learned interesting facts.